4 Facts You Need to Know about Dental Implants in Windermere

Although the rate of tooth loss in the United States has significantly declined over the last several decades, the American College of Prosthodontists estimates that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. If you find yourself among those who have an incomplete smile, you have probably heard about the benefits of dental implants in Windermere. They are the next best thing to your own natural teeth while offering over a 95% success rate. While you are excited to regain a complete smile, there are some facts you should know about the process.
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Do I Need Treatment for Sleep Apnea in Windermere?

Do you snore excessively? Are you always tired in the morning despite sleeping all night? If so, you could join more than 25 million Americans who suffer from a sleep disorder. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that results in pauses in breathing due to an obstruction in the airway. While many people tend to believe that fatigue and snoring are the only complications of the condition, it can cause potentially deadly results. To protect your health and quality of life, you need treatment for sleep apnea in Windermere. At Windermere Dentistry, we provide the solutions you need to sleep soundly.
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