Invisalign in Windermere is the most popular option currently available for those who need tooth alignment therapy. Many people think that this gentle, effective form of treatment is only for adults. In reality, many older teens are prime candidates for Invisalign aligners.

Why Invisalign Beats Traditional Braces

Few dental problems are as problematic as misaligned teeth. Left untreated, alignment problems can cause headaches, cavities, and even lost teeth.

Braces have long been used to treat this condition. But traditional braces have a number of drawbacks that makes many patients hesitant to use them. These include:

  • Lack of Comfort. Many patients find traditional metal braces unpleasant or even painful.
  • Length of treatment. Traditional metal braces must sometimes be worn for years to achieve the desired result.
  • Inconvenience. Only a trained dentist can remove or modify traditional braces. For the patient, this means many hours spent in a dental office undergoing lengthy treatments.
  • Practical concerns. Those who travel for business or personal reasons may find traditional braces challenging to wear. The same is true for people who deal with the public on a regular basis.
  • Personal appearance and self-esteem issues. Many people find the look of traditional braces unappealing.

Invisalign aligners were created to address these concerns. The wearer can remove them for up to two hours per day in order to eat, brush, floss, and tend to other routine tasks.

Invisalign aligners travel well; they fit in their own lightweight case and will never set off airport metal detectors. Plus, Invisalign aligners are practically invisible when compared to traditional braces.

How Invisalign Aligners Work

The process of receiving Invisalign aligners starts with the initial dental appointment. If the dentist feels that Invisalign is the right approach, then he or she will perform a series of measurements and imaging scans. These will be used by the dental lab to craft the actual aligners.

Invisalign therapy occurs in a series of steps. The patient wears each set of aligners for about 10 days to two weeks. Total course of treatment is usually about 12 months. Once it’s complete, the patient only needs to wear a nightly retainer to maintain the benefits for life.

Can Teens Benefit from Invisalign?

Dentists usually prefer to reserve Invisalign treatment for those whose teeth and gums have fully matured. In many cases, this includes older teens.

Only a dentist can prescribe the right form of treatment for a particular dental condition. What works for one patient may not be best for another. If you suspect that you or your child is suffering from teeth misalignment problems, then you should make an appointment with a qualified dentist as soon as possible. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner the person can enjoy the benefits of alignment therapy.

Misaligned teeth are a serious health concern. Whether your dentist recommends traditional braces or Invisalign, be sure to follow his or her recommendations. The effort you put forth now will pay off in the long run with healthier teeth and a brighter smile.

About the Author

Dr. William McKissock is a graduate of the University of Florida’s College of Dentistry. He served our troops as a military dentist for several years before opening his private practice here in Windermere. You can reach his office online or by calling (407) 909-1099.

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