Did you know that the first dentures were created around 700 BC? These dentures looked a lot different from what we’re used to today, and modern options look and feel better than ever. But due to natural changes in the jawbone, even high-quality dentures can begin to feel loose over time and impact your ability to eat and speak comfortably. Thankfully, there’s an excellent solution that can alleviate these problems: dental implants in Windermere. Keep reading to learn more about how implant dentures work and the many benefits they provide!

How Do Dental Implants Work With Dentures?

A traditional denture is held in place with natural suction and adhesive. Dental implants can be used as an anchor to provide a sturdy base of support that a denture can attach to.

After a dentist in Windermere has determined that implants are right for you, the procedure is done in stages. Some patients may need dental work beforehand such as extractions, gum therapy, or bone grafts.

For the implant procedure itself, you’ll start by having an in-office surgery to have them placed in your jaw. Oftentimes, just 2-6 implants are needed per arch. Then it will take 3-6 months for the implants to integrate, or fuse, with the surrounding jawbone. You can use a temporary denture during this time while you’re healing.

Lastly, you’ll come back to have your permanent denture delivered, which will attach to the dental implants for an immediate improvement in function.

What Are the Advantages of Implant-Retained Dentures?

Implants replace the missing roots of teeth, which accounts for many of the benefits they provide. Here are two of the main advantages you can expect from securing your denture with implants:

  • The additional support you’ll have will greatly increase your chewing power so you can eat tougher foods. It will also eliminate any slipping you would get from a loose-fitting traditional denture.
  • After your natural teeth are taken out, the jawbone begins to shrink in size. But implants mimic natural teeth and stimulate the surrounding jawbone to prevent this from happening. This helps your denture fit better, for longer, so you won’t need adjustments nearly as often as you would with a typical denture.

Also, in some cases, upper dentures are adequately secure with suction and adhesive alone, so implants would only be needed in the lower jaw.

If you want your dentures to feel better, the first step is scheduling a consultation. After a dentist has evaluated your needs and created a treatment plan, you’ll be on your way to a better fitting denture in no time!

About the Author

Dr. Matthew McKissock is a general, cosmetic, and restorative dentist in Windermere who has advanced training to provide implant dentistry from start to finish. When his patients are suffering from loose dentures, he’s thrilled that he can improve their quality of life with dental implants. If your dentures are loose and you’d like to know more, he can be contacted via his website.

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