It’s normal to have questions about things you don’t know a lot about, and who better to answer them than someone who has literally done their homework on the subject?
Just like your mechanic knows plenty of information about why your car is making that weird sound, your dentist knows a whole lot of facts about the human mouth. Thus, if you’ve got an oral health-related query for them, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t be afraid to start a dialogue: here are a few important questions you should ask your dentist at your next exam.
How Often do I Really Need a Checkup?
While generally speaking, the standard answer to this question is twice a year, if you have any oral health conditions like gum disease, you may need to see your dentist more frequently. Be sure to verify how often you should come in and schedule your follow-up appointments accordingly.
How Can I Practice Good Oral Hygiene at Home?
Good oral hygiene starts at home, by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. In some cases, your dentist may recommend additional steps, such as medicated mouthwashes, fluoride treatments, or even lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking. Thus, it is important to find out if you need to make any changes to what you’re currently doing to ensure that you stay on top of your oral health.
Do I Need to Share Anything with My Doctor?
Sometimes your dentist might notice a red flag during your exam that needs to be addressed by your doctor. Dentists are trained to spot issues like oral cancer, enlarged tonsils, and other problems that are considered medical (not dental) in nature. If they notice any issue that falls outside of their scope, they will alert you, however it always helps to ask, especially if you’ve observed something out of the ordinary with your body.
Do I Need Mouthwash?
Mouthwash can be nice to have, but it’s not an absolute must for oral health care. Sometimes, however, you might want to use it, or you might think it’s helping solve a dilemma and it’s really not. Some mouthwashes can dry out the mouth, making problems like bad breath worse, so despite its claims to fight this issue, it may not be the best choice for everyone. On the other hand, your dentist might believe you can benefit from it, so be sure to ask if you aren’t certain if it’s a useful step in your routine.
Do I Have Bad Breath?
It can be very difficult to determine if you have noticeably bad breath on your own. While your friends and family may be too uncomfortable to tell you, your dentist won’t be. If you’re worried about this, ask them to give you an honest review, and if you aren’t satisfied with the answer, ask them what needs to be done to fix it.
What Type of Toothpaste and Toothbrush Should I Use?
Many people with healthy teeth and gums can use a medium-bristled toothbrush and any over-the-counter toothpaste they desire, however if you have veneers, deep stains, sensitive teeth, or are prone to cavities or gum disease, you may need something different. Check with your dentist to make sure what you’re using is appropriate so you can keep your teeth, gums, and any dental work safe and healthy for years to come.
Remember, your dentist is a powerhouse of information about all things oral health. If you’ve got a burning question, don’t be shy about asking. Be proactive about your smile with this important information.
About Our Practice
At Windermere Dentistry, we want you to feel right at home with your dental team. We provide comprehensive, compassionate care that employs the latest in state-of-the-art technology to deliver a customized experience you won’t find anywhere else. If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of your oral health, we’re here to answer.
To schedule an appointment for an exam, please visit our website or call us today at 407-909-1099.
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